Milkweed bugs

Paola Rubiano Buitrago was live on YouTube on 8th April 2021 explaining how milkweed bugs have evolved to survive predator attacks by acquiring chemical defences.

Posionous frogs capture our imagination, fantasy and curiosity. How do their poisons work? What substances are involved and how do the frogs produce them? Bi...

Poison frogs

Francesca Protti-Sánchez gave an MPI-Chemical Ecology Facebook Live about the chemical and behavioural ecology of poison frogs on September 3rd, 2020.

Credit: CC0, via Pixabay

Credit: CC0, via Pixabay

How To Survive Poison

Bugs do it. And vertebrates - and even humans. How do you eat poison and get away with it? I joined Shab Mohammadi and Anurag Agrawal on the Naked Scientists to explain the pros and cons of sequestering toxins.

The world's most incredible animals

I helped the Naked Scientists go in search of the world's most incredible animals. I and a group of scientists described our favourite animals to a panel of judges. But which animal was crowned the winner?

Credit:Rosa Rugani, University of Paldov

Credit: Rosa Rugani, University of Paldov

Counting chicks

Chicks, just like humans, count from left to right, which has big implications in understanding why it is we do this. I chatted with Naked Scientist Graihagh Jackson about Research from Giorgio Vallortigara’s lab at the University of Trento, where Francesca is doing her PhD research.

I and my collaborators photographed women multiple times over their cycle and analysed patches of cheek skin for colour changes. Image modified from a photo by Alix Klingenberg.

I and my collaborators photographed women multiple times over their cycle and analysed patches of cheek skin for colour changes. Image modified from a photo by Alix Klingenberg.

Do women advertise their fertility?

It’s not just embarrassment or blushing that makes a lady redden: women also become subtly redder when they are ovulating... I talked to Naked Scientist Chris Smith about our research on facial colour change across the menstrual cycle., 9th July 2015 » Women blush when ovulating, and it doesn’t matter a bit

Interview on BBC Radio Cambs, 3rd July 2015 MP3, 6 mins, 1st July 2015 » We Still Don't Know Why Men Find Ovulating Women More Attractive, 1st July 2015 » Redder? But too subtle for men, ladies, 30th June 2015 » There's a Sign Women Are Ovulating, But Men Can't Detect It

NBC, 30th June 2015 » Is she ovulating? Wildlife camera spots fertility cue men can't see